Body Image

Image may contain: Amanda Fredrick Gardner and Tanner Gardner, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

I loved Dr. Coyne's lecture on Body Image. Body image is something I have struggled with since I was a little girl. Even though I was an active kid, I was pretty chubby. From being called fatty to being told to run laps to lose weight, outside messages weighed heavily on how I viewed myself. The hardest part about this was most of the messages were from family members. 

As soon as I reached middle school and was able to join the tennis team, I did. Partly because I like the sport, partly because my older sister who was very skinny played tennis too. While joining the tennis team and being even more active helped me lose some weight, I was still always self-conscious, especially in my tennis uniform. 

I continued to play tennis all of high school. In addition to playing tennis, I tried to work-out every day and be as active as I could. I tried to eat healthily and really focus on not eating too many sweets or carbs. I constantly looked at my sister and wished I could look like her. I wanted to make sure I looked skinny in every picture I took and would delete any I didn't think looked flattering enough. 

I remember my senior prom. I got this gorgeous dress and I couldn't wait to take pictures with my date and friends, go to dinner, and have fun at the dance. When I looked at the pictures I had on my phone I wanted to cry. I hated the way I looked. I felt like I was fat and looked huge in every single picture. Every photo after that I made sure to suck in. I cried that night when I got home because I was so mad at how "fat" I was. 

The summer after I graduated high school I was in my best shape ever. My mom would say I looked tiny, but I still didn't feel good enough. 

Flash forward about two years later and I had gained 15 pounds since getting married and using birth control "that causes weight gain". I hated my body and questioned how my husband can find me attractive. I wished so badly to be at the weight I was right when I graduated high school. I looked back at pictures and compared myself to what I used to be.

Even at my "best", I wasn't happy with myself. Now, I am still not always happy with how I look, but I realize that there is so much more to myself than how skinny I am. I have realized that my body is a gift from God and even though I may not have rock hard abs and a perfect lifted butt, I can still do amazing things with it. I know my husband loves me the way I am and doesn't care if I have tummy rolls. I still struggle with body image, but I have come to see the bigger picture. I can look back on old photos and laugh and smile at the things my body has brought me through. 

"Carbo" as my dad would call me

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shoes, tree and outdoor
War Eagle!

Image may contain: one or more people

Our oldest sister's wedding. I wished I could look just like her.

Image may contain: 7 people, including Ali Fredrick Wood, Kim Fredrick, Amanda Fredrick Gardner and Samantha Fredrick Campbell, people standing, sky, outdoor and nature
Family photos

Image may contain: 5 people, including Anna Rourke, Carrie Higginbotham and Amanda Fredrick Gardner, people smiling
Senior Prom

Image may contain: Amanda Fredrick Gardner, outdoor
I love this picture now because of where I was and the experiences I had there. When I took it, I loved it most because for once I felt like I looked skinny. This was at my stake's youth conference to Nauvoo. The whole trip I didn't eat any carbs and I was pleased with myself. 

This was a couple months after we got married. I wanted to wear loose shirts and cover up any sign that I had gained weight.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your story! It is a super vulnerable thing to talk about it but I appreciate it because I resonate with it so much! I feel like when women help build each other up with our body image, it can be so powerful because we really are the harshest critics on the planet.

    BTW, you are so beautiful in every one of those pictures! Continue to listen to that sweet husband of yours instead of the negative thoughts because you are stunning girl.

  2. wow, loved reading and seeing the pictures! Your honesty was so refreshing. Thank you for sharing and being willing to talk about the real struggle of body image. Man its comforting and also disheartening to realize I am not alone in the ups and downs of body image. But wow, what a widespread epidemic. Sorry you have to deal with it, but cool to feel through your writing who you have become and are becoming because of it. Thanks!


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