Comparison is the Thief of Joy

When I get on Instagram, Facebook, or whatever social media app, it is never with the intention of making comparisons, but somehow it always turns out that way. 

People tend to post about the highs of their life. 20+ pictures are taken before one is good enough to post, and even then, some sort of filter is needed. Witty captions with improper grammar and punctuation are added to give it "aesthetic". 

Don't get me wrong. I am guilty of this, too. 

But what I have slowly realized is that I cannot base my judgment of myself and others on what their Instagram looks like. Too quickly, I assume someone's life is perfect because they have trendy clothes, a fit body, a nice house, etc. I see their posts and wonder what it would be like to have their life. In reality, they probably have numerous problems and struggles that they deal with behind their profile. 

The well-known phrase, "Comparison is the thief of joy", is so true. Even though I forget it almost every day, it is true. And it is important. Maybe as I get better at keeping this saying in my mind, I can learn to appreciate other's blessings while still being grateful for mine. 


  1. Thank you for sharing this! I am definitely guilty of that too a lot of times, and that is such a good thought to keep in mind.

  2. Definitely needed to hear this!! Social media is so fun, but so often I feel like it does more destruction to self esteem then construction. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. I think this happens to everyone--I know it happens to me! I have this quote running through my head constantly. Thanks for sharing!

  4. So true! We all do this and I think we would be a little happier if we could be real with each other instead of having to to show only our "best" selves.

  5. Thank you! This was a great reminder for me that I need to be more present in my own life and enjoy its uniqueness.

  6. This was something I needed to hear. Thank you for putting this reminder out there, so good to try and always recall it.


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